business information


Welcome everyone and thank you for your early interest in the studio as we look to get off the ground. Everything is coming together as the remaining business tasks are finalized and efforts can then be redirected towards creating artwork and projects. Some of the first priorities are to add some visual aspects to this site. Merely reading walls of text is hardly exciting!

What might be coming up? you ask. Great question! Keep reading..

Besides some banners and artwork to round out our business website, there is also a brand logo to be created for the games division of the business. Layout of our first offering will also begin shortly, along with finalizing the rules, background, and other relevant components required to release a complete game system for everyone. A final date has not been firmed up yet because of the amount of work that remains. However, more updates will be coming as we get further into the year.

For the business branding solutions aspect, we will be reaching out to obtain clients across all industries, especially with smaller business, who are considering logo and brand creations or redesigns. Information on this aspect of the business will be varied depending upon customer wishes and confidentiality considerations. However, any completed projects that are shareable will find their way onto the site.