Editing and Concept Art...

Just wanted to deliver a quick update for those of you who have been wondering how things are progressing now that we have entered the second half of the year. The new game is currently under edit and, barring any major revisions, should be done by the middle to end of August. We also received the second update of our concept art under commission about a week ago, and the design is going in a direction that everyone in the studio agrees is incredible. We are anticipating one more pass before the design is accepted and the final artwork commencing. From there, we plan to send everything off to the printer by early September and hopefully get our proof copy by the first of October.

During this time, we are also continuing to work on the second resource pack for True Agenda. This is a much shorter process because it is a smaller product. We are about a third of the way through the writing and layout, with a few art pieces already decided upon. We plan to have the writing finished and to the editor by the end of August. Since we do not ever produce print copies for the resource packs, we can work through October is absolutely necessary, but it is doubtful that much time will be required.

First Draft Concept Sketches Arrive!

Exciting news here in the studio as the first drafts of alien concept art arrived just before the weekend! The initial design is looking good with only a few minor changes being requested at this time. The artist, Mike, nearly hit on everything we wanted in the design after just one initial communication. Needless to say, everyone here is very pleased and are eager to see the next pass. For now, the first draft is remaining under wraps, but it might be shown to everyone at a later date.

The rest of the game design work progresses steadily, and we are looking to be almost six weeks ahead of schedule. This is happening even though a couple of sections have gone through a major rewrite before ever getting to the editor. Now that we have been doing this for a few years, things are getting easier as we figure out what works best along with some streamlining. Given that we are still expecting slow downs with the printing process, the extra time on the writing and design end will be invaluable. Keep checking back in here to find out how things are progressing, especially once we get into the second half of the year!

Concept Artist Commissioned!

After some deliberation here at the studios, we decided to go ahead and get some concept art commissioned for our upcoming game still slated to release this fall. For those of you who have been following our work, you know the majority of our artwork comes from Adobe resources and are then modified by the artist to better fit the design elements needed. Unfortunately, this can mean that things do not look exactly like we might otherwise want. However, since the studio is still small, we cannot afford to commission every piece, and we do not feel that Kickstarter or other routes are right for our team. So it is with great anticipation and excitement that we are able to afford some commission work, because everyone here feels this upcoming game title deserves a bit more.

So who is it, you might ask, and where will their work be found? The artist’s name is Mike Faille, and you can find his great work over here. His work for the game will showcase one of the alien species that can be found as a major antagonist to the players. Go check out his work if you get the chance. He also does custom art for individuals who might want their favorite character, or even an adventuring party, immortalized. He also does quite a bit of other work as well on his Patreon site found here. We are excited to have him involved in our project and look forward to sharing more news with everyone in the coming weeks.

Dropping the Price!

After careful consideration, we have decided to lower the price for our Chronofields game (PDF version) over at Drive Thru RPG. We had already been offering it cheaper there for $12.65 verses the retail of $14.95. However, sales have been sluggish, and so it has now been permanently reduced to $9.95. If you were considering picking it up, there are the free quickstart rules still available at Drive Thru, allowing everyone to see what the game is about beforehand. What about the prices here on the business website? We might at some point lower the price of the Chronofields PDF, but sales directly from us has always been secondary as we want people to go to Drive Thru. Most people are more confident shopping there and therefore we encourage everyone to do so, plus the people at Drive Thru have done quite a bit for us here at the studios, so we feel they deserve the sales.

Winter Hangs on...

It has been a cold, snowy winter here for us and a lot of people, and it doesn’t look like it’s done yet. Hopefully, everyone has remained safe and healthy these past months. I know this hasn’t been the case for many people in Texas and other areas, so help each other whenever we can. There isn’t really much new news here at the studio. We’ve been busy working on our newest tabletop game release as well as planning for what’s to come in ‘22 and ‘23. Beyond that, we’re just like most everyone else in being hopeful that we are on the other side of the pandemic and kids can start returning to school. That’s all, just ramblings on a frigid early winter morning…

New Year, New Announcement!

I hope everyone had a safe holiday season and New Year. Everyone at the studios are still doing good, although a few people we know outside of our immediate work group have been directly affected by the pandemic. Hopefully, we will turn the corner on this sooner rather than later. As far as our big news, we are planning on releasing our third tabletop game later this year! This will be our biggest release yet and will take most of the year to complete. This means the other titles will not likely see any releases this year. While we are not revealing the title yet, I can share that this game will thrust players into the future where a combination of superheroes, galactic threats, and cybernetic assassins all exist!

This was originally going to be the first game our studio released, but after careful consideration, we felt that True Agenda would be the better choice, followed by Chronofields. The thinking behind this was that this forthcoming game is more complex with character creation, combat, and other systems in the game, where True Agenda was initially more straight-forward. As True Agenda grew, and Chronofields was released, we had been adding additional elements into both games to increase their complexity, bringing them inline with this upcoming third title. Everyone here has appreciated the gradual additions to the rules of both previous games, and we feel we are in a good spot to release an even bigger game. Hopefully, everyone else will agree once it gets into people’s hands. Continue to check in here over the coming months as we reveal more information, including a release date, as we get closer.

Happy 3rd Anniversary True Agenda.. and Welcome your Newest Addition!

True Agenda is celebrating 3 years since its release! That is quite a milestone that is further hyped by the release of the tabletop roleplaying game’s third full-sized expansion: Pilgrimage! Take the battle to the aliens in space while dealing with the severe consequences in a sprawling mission that will forever change the setting. Everyone has been pleased with the overall look and content to this expansion, and hopefully everyone reading this will enjoy it as much as the studio did in putting everything together. As always, the products are available here on our website, as well as over at DriveThru RPG. Also, at DriveThru, Pilgrimage is included in the True Agenda bundle for anyone who is interested in picking it up for the first time, or has already done so in the past. The expansion will be greatly marked down in the bundled price, so make sure to grab it there!

TA Pilgrimage Front Cover.jpg

While we pause to celebrate this terrific day, we will quickly resume work on our product plans for the next two years. First up, in the second half of 2021, we will be releasing a brand new roleplaying game. There will be more information in the coming months on this, so check back with us after the first of the new year. In 2022, there is the 2nd planned expansion for Chronofields, as well as the 4th and final planned expansion for True Agenda. There is also very early work, including playtesting, planned next year for our 4th roleplaying game! This one will likely see release in 2023. This is a great time to be working at the studio and we are all thankful for everyone remaining in good health during this challenging year.

Off to the Printer with You...!

Another exciting milestone here at the studios as we begin to roll into Fall and cooler weather - the proofs for our next expansion for the True Agenda Roleplaying Game went to the printer earlier today! We received word that the printer is still expecting a slower than normal response time, so we needed to get everything shipped to them well ahead of schedule. We remain on track here for our planned November release, and so hopefully the staff at our printer can accommodate our timeline.

As we wind down a bit after having worked some longer hours this week to make our deadline, we look forward to what is on the horizon. Next year, we have a big announcement for our upcoming release of a brand new game system! Looking further into 2022, we are planning on the fourth and final major expansion for True Agenda, along with our second full expansion for Chronofields.

More information on all of these projects will be shared in the coming months, so make sure to keep checking back here!


August is here and so are the storms, humidity, and heat! Work in the studio continues diligently on the 3rd expansion for the True Agenda roleplaying game. This full-sized expansion is still slated for an end of the year release, although the exact date has not yet been decided. We are still anticipating a slowdown at the printer because of the resurgence in the number of virus cases, so things have to be planned around that possibility. Nonetheless, everyone here has continued taking precautions because health and wellbeing are more important.

We have been asked to attend an online game designer Q&A session at our convenience. This is certainly exciting news for us, however our current schedule might make attendance difficult, at least in the short term. It is something we do not want to pass up, but will have to see how things go on our end and what open slots are available in the coming months. Should this come to fruition, we will be sharing details on here, so make sure to check back in the coming weeks!

Haunting Fields Release Day!

Originally, before all the craziness that has been 2020 began materializing, we here at the studios put out our plans for upcoming releases to our tabletop roleplaying games. The first expansion for Chronofields was slated for a June release, and that seemed very achievable back in December of last year. All of the work for Haunting Fields was completed by June 6th, and the files sent off to the printer. One redesign was required, but completed in 48 hours. Unfortunately, with the current pandemic, the printer has been operating with minimal staffing in order to keep their employees safe. Understandable, of course, and so we here at the studios debated pushing the release of Haunting Fields back to July. Here it is, the 12th hour (actually, a little bit earlier than that!) and we received confirmation that everything is a go. The expansion will release today, the 30th of June!

Haunting Fields Cover Art.jpg

However, this does not mean that our printer is operating like normal. Things are still considerably delayed. Because of this, all physical book orders will be sent out sometime in July, or within approximately 30 days from the time of order. This might improve as we get further into July, but no one should expect to receive any physical book orders before the end of next month. PDF files are, of course, ready to go, both here and over at Drive Thru RPG. We appreciate your understanding and patronage.