
Bundled days are here again!

Even though the studio suffered a setback this year, and no new products will be released in 2022, we still wanted to put out an offer to everyone who has been considering trying our tabletop game line. Starting this morning, we have bundled together the main rulebook for our very first game, True Agenda, alongside our most recent game, GRID. Both are in PDF format and are available over at Drive Thru RPG for just $15.00. That means that while paying full price for GRID, you get True Agenda for just a nickel!

The reason these two games are bundled together is because they are the easiest to run cross-over games with, as they both deal with future situations and alien lifeforms. Additionally, it’s a good way to showcase where the studio began and where we are currently. Both games are a source of pride for everyone here and we are confident one, if not both, games will delight fans of science fiction, alternate futures and alien conspiracies. You can find the bundle here.


August is here and so are the storms, humidity, and heat! Work in the studio continues diligently on the 3rd expansion for the True Agenda roleplaying game. This full-sized expansion is still slated for an end of the year release, although the exact date has not yet been decided. We are still anticipating a slowdown at the printer because of the resurgence in the number of virus cases, so things have to be planned around that possibility. Nonetheless, everyone here has continued taking precautions because health and wellbeing are more important.

We have been asked to attend an online game designer Q&A session at our convenience. This is certainly exciting news for us, however our current schedule might make attendance difficult, at least in the short term. It is something we do not want to pass up, but will have to see how things go on our end and what open slots are available in the coming months. Should this come to fruition, we will be sharing details on here, so make sure to check back in the coming weeks!

Where did November go?

Now that things have calmed down from the stress and excitement of the November release deadline, I realize that we are now into December. Where does all the time go? Nonetheless, it was an exciting time for the studios to finally release True Agenda, and now work begins anew with the expansions. The first expansion is not slated until a late summer release next year, but there will actually be something else coming out first. A resource pack is in the creation process right now that will add a few more rules, weapons, and other exciting options to the game. It will be a digital only offering, since after reviewing sales data from the last week, digital files are by far the best seller. It really is no surprise in the early 21st century that most players want their games in electronic format.

In addition to this new information, and the expansion schedule for True Agenda for the next two years, another tabletop game is currently under consideration. While this is still in the very early stages, we could be looking at another game to be released possibly in 2019. More information will be forthcoming once we get into 2018, but we plan on keeping a pretty aggressive release schedule for the next couple of years.

Summer Advertising Blitz

Streaming Circles

Work at the studios has been moving along nicely. The majority of the work is focused on the upcoming game release, along with maintaining the various social media sites, Patreon, the Zazzle store site, and others. Advertising is a key element to the success of any business, and overall the studios have had a relatively small advertisement footprint. Part of this is by design, and part of it is by circumstance.

The "by design" part is because a large effort in advertising is going to erupt once the first game design is ready for launch. This is expected to build up hype beyond what information is already out there and really focus on bringing in interested people to take a look at the game system and make the decision to buy or not. The "by circumstance" element is simply because of all of the different methods of getting the name out to the public, and the myriad of forms that advertising can take often leads, as in this case, to trying out one or two options and see where that gets us. For instance, the Zazzle storefront has picked up a trickling of orders all on its own based on the variety of products for sale and people stumbling upon things that interest them. Page hits on Deviant Art are letting people know about the digital art aspect of the business. Facebook keeps those who are following the business there in the loop, even if they do not regularly come to the main website here. Each of these efforts are paying off, even in small quantities, and have cost next to nothing but the time invested in getting the campaigns off the ground. This works only in so far as keeping operating costs low.

Launching an advertisement campaign is both exciting and nerve wracking. The first major effort will be targeting local businesses to know about the design and branding elements that the studio offers. The first mass mailing will look like the image posted above. Additionally, this type of advertising can go into other areas to gain more attention outside of the surrounding area where the studios exists physically. Measuring success is important when committing financial resources to advertise. Getting a good return on investment (ROI) means that a campaign was successful and may prove beneficial to do again in the future.