social media

Summer Advertising Blitz

Streaming Circles

Work at the studios has been moving along nicely. The majority of the work is focused on the upcoming game release, along with maintaining the various social media sites, Patreon, the Zazzle store site, and others. Advertising is a key element to the success of any business, and overall the studios have had a relatively small advertisement footprint. Part of this is by design, and part of it is by circumstance.

The "by design" part is because a large effort in advertising is going to erupt once the first game design is ready for launch. This is expected to build up hype beyond what information is already out there and really focus on bringing in interested people to take a look at the game system and make the decision to buy or not. The "by circumstance" element is simply because of all of the different methods of getting the name out to the public, and the myriad of forms that advertising can take often leads, as in this case, to trying out one or two options and see where that gets us. For instance, the Zazzle storefront has picked up a trickling of orders all on its own based on the variety of products for sale and people stumbling upon things that interest them. Page hits on Deviant Art are letting people know about the digital art aspect of the business. Facebook keeps those who are following the business there in the loop, even if they do not regularly come to the main website here. Each of these efforts are paying off, even in small quantities, and have cost next to nothing but the time invested in getting the campaigns off the ground. This works only in so far as keeping operating costs low.

Launching an advertisement campaign is both exciting and nerve wracking. The first major effort will be targeting local businesses to know about the design and branding elements that the studio offers. The first mass mailing will look like the image posted above. Additionally, this type of advertising can go into other areas to gain more attention outside of the surrounding area where the studios exists physically. Measuring success is important when committing financial resources to advertise. Getting a good return on investment (ROI) means that a campaign was successful and may prove beneficial to do again in the future. 

New Banner... sorry Bruce (heh)

The main banner to the website and a number of social media platforms has always been something that was under constant review and critique. While the concept was spot on with the message, the delivery was off. The result is a new banner that conveys the same ideas behind the streaming of consciousness, but delivered in another artistic manner. Will this be the final redesign? Doubtful. The original banner still exists as well, for it would be inappropriate to forget one's history. Nonetheless, it was time for the upgrade, and continual refinement will likely always be a constant companion in regard to the studio's image and branding. Hopefully everyone is pleased with the new look, but if not, feel free to comment. These artistic designs are as much to please the viewers as to the creator, and sometimes is it difficult to be one's own worst critic.

Streaming consciousness indeed...

Streaming consciousness indeed...

The raven Muninn and more



The studios just finished another piece of art. This one is entitled Muninn, which for anyone unaware, is one raven of a pair within Norse mythology. Muninn represents memories, while the other raven, Huginn, represents thought. They act as advisors for the Norse god Odin.

Memories are a powerful thing, and is the main inspiration behind this newest artwork. Two versions of this artwork have been created, one with an original poem (displayed here), and the other without. Both can be found at Deviant Art here or Zazzle here. Both pieces are available for purchase (without the watermark).

Another topic of note is that we now have a presence on Instagram and Pinterest. This is in the effort to allow everyone to follow what is going on with the studios through whichever means they prefer. While not everything will make it onto every site and source, following one or more of these social media outlets will certainly keep everyone up to date as more products, designs, and information emerge.

Up and Running

It has been a long and exciting trip to get to this point, but the webpage now has enough information and visuals to stand on its own. The main page banner was the last major hurdle, but now it is up and greeting everyone that drops by. Additionally, we are linked to Facebook with a page over there as well. Now that the preliminary work is complete, it is time to take a step back, breathe, and...

...jump right back into the thick of it! These games and other projects are not going to design themselves! Even though the focus will be on preparing product releases, there will still be updates happening around the rest of the site. As inspiration hits and ideas pour forth, they do not always nicely into whatever is currently being worked on, but they still deserve to be completed and shown. That is what will happen from time to time is a random image or website update will occur for no other reason than it needed to be done because the idea did not want to remain confined.

Stay tuned...